Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer Days...

We were having some difficulties getting everyone to pose correctly! 3rd times a charm!! (Except Maggie!)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wednesdays with Erin

Every Wednesday I watch these 3 lovely children! Robin, 7 yrs, Natacha, 4 yrs, and Thibault, 2 yrs.. Their family lived in the US for a few years for their dad's work, so now that they are back their parents don't want them to lose their English, which is where I come in. In addition to that, I play, feed, bathe, and change diapers. Thibault (tee-bow) produces 10 times his weight in shit daily! It is HORRENDOUS!! Natacha believes she is a princess, notice hands on hips, but she plays with my hair so, in my book, she is wonderful! The have like real roosters, or chickens, I don't know the difference, the kids love them, but I stay away! I've never really been the farmer's daughter type!

Monday, June 30, 2008

The beach on the Mediterranean Sea

After the smi-final game, Romain & I headed to a beachside resort in Vic-La-Gardiole, near the city of Montpellier, and spent a week at the beach. We brought Maggie Moo along with us, it was her first time to the sea or ocean, & she LOVED it!! I thought she might be scared, but not at all!It was a great week of relaxing, tanning, burning, playing in the water, & seeing the sights!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

ASM Rugby, Semi-Finals @ Marseille

Here is Romain, ever the true fan!
We headed to Marseille for the Semi-Finals of the French Rugby Championship!! The bonus was that we were like less than an hour from Brad Pitt and Angelina's new castle they bought (didn't go though), that, and the fact ASM won!!! (but lost in finals) ...These fans are unreal, but entertaining!!...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

ASM Rugby!!!

Here is the new Stade in Clermont-Ferrand for their beloved ASM rugby team!

Just some shots of the team and the wierd thing they do when 8 on 8 men get WAY TOO close for comfort! Very awkward!!
Me and the SUPERFAN!!! Nice ass!

Friday, February 29, 2008


Romain and I had this past week off from school, so we took some time to visit some sites around us! We decided to see the local chain of volcanos. The department we live in it actually named, Puy-de-Dôme, since this chain is kinda known. We took Maggie along, since she is a beast of nature and all, and decided we were hiking all the way to top, come hell or high water! Alas, we did not even come close to the top (we'll blame it on the trail closings). Still, it was fun!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Come for a stroll with me and Maggie

Just some scenes along our path...

This garage door says "death to the Mayor".