Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve Dinner

Well, it's Christmas Eve & it's time
for dinner!!Whoo-wee! nothing like some goose liver to get the festivities rolling! Despite the
unfamiliar menu, the dinner was very nice. Good conversation, although most in French, so I smiled, and great company! Bernadette set up the table real nice, huh Clark.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Joyeux Noel (all photos here)

Christmas time is coming!! Even in France! Le Pere Noel is coming Monday night, and I am ready! Bernadette and I put up the tree
and candles and all the other decorations for Christmas. Monday night the Christmas Eve dinner will be at our house, and Christmas Day lunch at an aunt's home. I have already been warned about the amount of wine and champagne Frenchies drink on these days! Shit!

This is the beautiful wreath my dad and Nancy sent Bernadette! You think the wreath is pretty, you should read the card dad sent with it! I think La Poste, UPS, & DHL hate me and this address by now! :-) 'Tis the season to be merry! ..."Mary! That's my name!", "No shit!"...Name that movie!!!!

And here is my little Maggie, waiting by the window to catch a peek of Santa Claus...or a drunk French passing by!

Friday, December 14, 2007

OKlahoma Ice Storm 07! (click here for all photos)

My last week in the USA and ice decides to hit Oklahoma...BAD!! I was staying at Dad's house in Norman at this time, and we certainly got our fair share of ice. Sunday morning power went out and we stayed without power until Friday afternoon! I could see my breath in the house! Freeezzing! Dad, Nancy, and I went to stay at a hotel for the week. I say hotel,...but the only place with rooms available (everyone was out of power!) was the US Postal Training Center on Hwy 9!! Woo-wee!! The highest count I saw of people without power was 600,000 plus! Schools, Universities, Stoplights, Businesses, etc, etc, were closed for days. Sad thing is, our street, the one I grew up on, was known for its beautiful, big, old oak trees that formed a endless canopy along the street. But, after the ice storm, soo many trees were killed and ruined that it'll take decades for it all to regrow. At least we were able to stay warm, safe, and fed.

Monday, December 3, 2007

KKGs in OKC 2007!

Umm, what more could you ask for than all of us out and about, and a GAY CLUB...for MEN!!
The "Mullet Man" was by far one of my favorite attendees of the club! Although, the young man that had on a dog collar and seemed to have lost his shirt, did come in a very close second!
The drag queens were beautiful and very talented lip-syncers! I left the club that night still confused about the whole gay men like men, but the men were dressed up as women! Doesn't that mean you are straight when a man likes a woman??? Hey, I'm no expert on the subject! All I know is I had a wonderful, wonderful time with all my lovely friends!
Full photo album advised, some pics are rated XX