Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer Days...

We were having some difficulties getting everyone to pose correctly! 3rd times a charm!! (Except Maggie!)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wednesdays with Erin

Every Wednesday I watch these 3 lovely children! Robin, 7 yrs, Natacha, 4 yrs, and Thibault, 2 yrs.. Their family lived in the US for a few years for their dad's work, so now that they are back their parents don't want them to lose their English, which is where I come in. In addition to that, I play, feed, bathe, and change diapers. Thibault (tee-bow) produces 10 times his weight in shit daily! It is HORRENDOUS!! Natacha believes she is a princess, notice hands on hips, but she plays with my hair so, in my book, she is wonderful! The have like real roosters, or chickens, I don't know the difference, the kids love them, but I stay away! I've never really been the farmer's daughter type!